I suppose the best thing to come out of GDC is that I've decided to make a prototype for my game, "Space Squid." I've given myself a deadline of May 1st for the release. That gives me just over a month to:
- Learn OOP. I've got a pretty good handle on it already, and most of my non-OOP code has several OOP properties, so it shouldn't be too difficult.
- Learn AS3. I'm a wiz at PHP and have dabbled in several other languages; I can pick up on syntax fairly easily.
- Learn Flash. Flash's asset management confuses me and I'm not sure how I'd go about playing with flash-generated content. I do know how to draw rectangles and circles in AS3 though, so I'll stick with that for now.
- Learn how to setup the coding environment. Knowing the difference between Flex and Flash and AS3 and Flex Builder and AS2 and what exactly compiles what things is getting to be a pain in the ass. I'll figure it out though.
I'm a coder that likes to "do things right" the first time, which means I'm way too ambitious on my projects and I'll spend 5 years on the framework before I get the game out the door. On the plane ride home from GDC I wrote out some very specific features I'd have by May 1st. I am going to stick to these and code really crappily to get it done on time. I WILL.
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