Thursday, April 16, 2009

Build 32: First hint of High Scores

Build 32 is up on my new site!

Aubrey was saying my logo didn't look professional so I photoshopped the hell out of it:

Nobody, except... nobody, can complain when there is a lens flare.

The only real change in this version is between levels you get a dialogue for entering your name. You can hit "r" to bypass it or you can just use the default Squiddie name. This is a working high-score submitter!

I don't quite have the high-score VIEWER setup yet, but it'll be coming shortly and I need some data in the database first. :) Play your hearts out and save your scores!

I'll be working on some interface niceities (remembering your name, etc) in the near future, and cleaning up the screen a bit. Again this build is just to get some scores into the database!

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