I am hesitantly offering up Build 26. It is fairly horrible looking - I'm just happy that I was finally able to turn off the debug drawing mode and get my own art in there. Even if it is scaled incorrectly and looks more like an insane penis than a cute squid. I'm pretty happy about the menu though, that load screen is killer.
There's no new gameplay elements today, other than some tweaked damage settings. Your squid is a teensy bit more robust now.
A few folks have asked me what I'm using for a development environment. Here's the breakdown:
- Notepad++. Very simple notepad tool that does a bit of syntax highlighting for me, and that's all. I do all my AS3 work in this, and it's free to boot.
- MXMLC / Flash SDK 3.0. This is a free command-line compiler for flash.
- Adobe Flash 10 Debug Player - I use this to actually see my debug messages. As I'm not using a development environment I don't have a handy window to display anything that goes wrong. :) Free of course.
- Adobe Flash 10 Pro (CS4). I only use this to draw the graphics - nothing else.
I use a few other odds an ends for file uploading and such, but nothing exciting. Quite simple really. In fact, up until my use of CS4 for graphics today, I had zero cost on software. Setting up the development environment would only take me an hour or so if I had to do it again, and that includes downloading, installing, and configuring everything.
If you have any questions about what I'm using or the development process, feel free to ask!
The eyes .. the eyes ...! Cute factor ∞!