Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What Aught to be 30

This is the build I wanted to release as the big number 30.

In this update ...
  • Stars are now StarFish (still outer space because it has the word star in it)
  • Mr. Grumpy is now a Space Urchin
  • Mr. Grumpy is no longer nailed down and is neutrally buoyant
  • New beachball object that floats
  • New stone object that sinks
  • Increased water friction to slow you down
  • Doubled your top speed to speed you back up again
  • Increased gravity to help reduce those rediculously-long airtimes :) Speed increase means you'll get the same height though.
  • Made objects drop from a higher altitude as to impede your midair stunts (and to dodge falling rocks)
  • Removed most damage (stretching your joints really really far still results in a snap - you'll probably only see this if you wrap a leg around a Space Urchin and yank it off).
  • Tweaked the timer a bit
I have to do some resizing of some of the graphics (some look stretched) and redo the main menu still, but a step forward in the fun department, I think!

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