Tuesday, June 9, 2009

UI Progress

Been working long and hard the last two days. There's been many intermediate builds, but this is officially enough work to warrant a new numeral. Welcome, Build 13!
  • You are now signed in as the user "Anonymous" by default. He's a poor chump and isn't registered.
  • Unregistered users can't use the level editor.
  • You can now sign up for an account - anyone who signs up during the beta period is "registered"
  • Log into your account once signed up (to login, don't type an email address). Sign-in information is stored in a cookie.
  • Lost password doesn't actually send an email yet, but the UI and DB functionality is all in place.
  • The login fields will disappear on confirmation eventually, but until I get a status/response window up and running I just overwrite some text fields.
  • Press-and-hold spacebar is once again the word of the day instead of press-to-toggle (for slow-time)
  • I and O are two new zoom in and out buttons, to aid those that don't have a working mousewheel for zoom.
  • Level views and victories are recorded in the database now, to aid in determining difficulty and/or quality factor of the level.
  • I've added a back-end to receive level ratings.
  • Levels are now saved and credited to the user who created them (now that you must login to edit). Any levels saved before Level #186 remain uncredited, but can be manually adjusted if you feel it's important - drop me a line.
  • Levels record the originating level # to the database to help let people know if a level has been "copied" from another.
  • Levels have an "edit locking" flag to prevent others from editing it (no UI for this yet)
  • Many updates to the Editor UI and help menus.
  • New Gravity-Selector tool doesn't actually work yet, but it looks cool!
  • New death animation and sound effect. It's a little borked in this release but at least it exists!
  • Users themselves now have a ranking that is calculated as an aggregate of all their level ranking scores (again no UI for this yet)
  • A bunch of database optimizations and back-end work.
I feel like a steam-roller today, just plowing over issue after issue. It feels really good.


  1. After User 1 (anonymous) and user 2 (me), that puts you up there at a pretty high rank. :D

    Quick update; I realized build 13 had a few glitches in the level editing menu - things not highlighting right, keyboard shortcuts not working, etc... I just fixed them all up and re-uploaded.

  2. Arrow keys! I need to use arrow keys! Left handed controls are no good. And using your right hand on the left side of the keyboard is bad typing form...

    Looks good!

  3. Hm, I was thinking the game may end up with a little mining laser gun or something mouse controlled, thus requiring both hands in use. But that might never happen. I think I'll punch up a toggle in the options screen to swap the controls to the arrows.
