As of midnight tomorrow I'll be done, so that I can get a good night's sleep and enjoy my Friday. If you have any gripes or suggestions, this is the time to submit them!
I'm finding it increasingly hard to work on the game because there simply isn't much more I can do with it. It's really come together nicely. Check out Build 46 for example - almost nothing much changed!
- There's now a mute button on the Main Menu (that remembers your preference in a cookie)
- Added an obscure, tiny donate button on the bottom left of the Official Space Squid Webpage. I might have to make this link more prominent.
- One person reported an odd gamestopper bug - seemingly occurs at random, but the squid freezes in midair. I've not been able to reproduce on this end but I made some code changes as a precaution (I think it might have to do with an unhandled IOError event when streaming music).
- Fixed a crash bug: If the ping to the high score server went slower than you restarting the level, the game would hang
- Fixed a crash bug: If the ping to the high score server went faster than a single game tick the game would hang.
- Made the date on the high score table actually based on Pacific time instead of Eastern time (why isn't it called Atlantic time?)
I'm also proud to say that all my webpages are STRICT-validated thanks to Aubreys hard work on my webpage. Hooray for conforming to web standards!
And yes, by saying the page conforms with web standards, I'm raising my middle finger to IE 6. Want to make something of it?
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