Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Space Squid: RC1

I like calling things Release Candidates because, though it has applied to be a candidate, it will not be the candidate. It has pre-emptively failed.

Anyway, BUILD 13.

I am really happy about this one. I put some instructions on the screen and even built a prototype level that acts as a neat little sandbox. The instructions are fairly easy: draw a vector with your mouse. The length is the strength. Things to try:
  • Beat the game as specified (touch the right, then left, wall)
  • Try it without losing any squid bits
  • Try it going fast
  • Try it going slow
  • Try tearing your squid apart completely (his head bits do seperate but is very hard to do)
  • Try knocking all the planets out of orbit (pro tip: hump the planet with your squid legs)
  • See how long you can drift without touching anything, not even the walls
I have some significant gameplay changes coming in the pipe that makes the game... much more a "game" than a toy. Stay tuned!


  1. Shouldn't they then be called release candidate candidates?

  2. After playing with it for 20 minutes I think my favorite game is the "go as long as you can without touching anything". Managing all those flingy limbs is tough!
