Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easier Variant

I took the game and pared it down to quite-a-bit-easier version just so people can get a feel for what an earlier level might be like.

It's not drop-dead tutorial-level easy; there's still one planet with a massive gravity well (that you can't escape if you get close enough), but there's a lot less to worry about. It still takes some finnesse to get your SquidHead in the goal areas too. But you can see the difference between this and the last build - the game, it's fun factor, and the skill required largely depends on level design.


  1. I love the easy version. It's so much easier!

    Instead of having levels, how about start with one (smallish) planet and one goal area? When the squid makes it to the goal, move the goal area somewhere far away and add another planet. Repeat when the next goal is hit.

  2. I was thinking about having some sort of instant-progression through the levels, and programatically generating new planets... but a dynamically moving goal area! I hadn't thought of that one. I'll give it a go!
